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I also know how to GAIN & LOSE weight ...


Soon after my beautiful boy was born I gained 10 kgs. I was 99 kgs, and I knew my eating habits weren´t the best. I focused on 1 thing, NUTRITION.


I started to eat more protein, fats and fiber. I lost 8 kgs in 8 weeks and 15 kgs overall in 5 months. My body composition changed significantly. Went from 15% body fat to 8% body body fat.


If I can do it, YOU CAN TOO.


Here's what I really want YOU to know:


#1 My signature private 1:1 weight loss coaching program, the BRAGI´S METHOD, was created to help busy men lose weight, gain muscle and energy without food restrictions.


#2 I meet people where they are in their lives. You don´t have to give up your favourite food or go to the gym for big results.  I don't believe in strict diets. I will NEVER tell you to completely give up your favourite foods and drinks. I know from my own personal experience that you CAN lose weight and keep it off while still enjoying your favourite foods because that's what I've done.


#3 My weight loss program is convenient and flexible, as opposed to adding more stress to your life. They are 100% online, which means that you can live ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD and still lose weight with my support and motivation. 


#4 Your COMFORT, SAFETY, and RESULTS is my #1 priority. I will start creating nutrition, movement, and mindset habits that fit into your life today... Whether that means you're working 60 hours a week, or you're caring for 3-4 kids at home. As long as you're willing to put in the time, the effort and to make new changes, we will meet you at your current health and fitness level, so that we can start making progress and losing the weight together.


#5 When you start to lose those pounds, gain muscle and energy we will celebrate together. Yes you will, lose weight but most importantly you will feel better in your body (more energy, higher libido, more testasterone and more).


#6 I believe that my program and your habits should be unique to YOU. You deserve better than the "one size fit all" weight loss programs out there! I customize healthy habits plan for YOU.

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